Kripalu is nestled way out in the woods in Massachusetts. You take a train from Grand Central (~ 2 hours) and then a car for another hour. It used to be an Ashram, where a real Guru lived and guided about 13 disciples on Buddhism. Today it's a retreat center where you can unwind and take yoga classes and lectures on eastern traditions like meditation, holistic living and Ayurveda living/eating. I took the R&R program, which gave me the opportunity to drop into any yoga classes or lecture I wanted. Or not to... and to wander the gorgeous grounds. The weekend included dorm living and all meals. The meals are uber-healthy and they have a huge selection of organic, vegan delights at every meal. I spent my time there wandering in the fields, reading on the great lawn, taking yoga classes (including YogaDance - so fun!), taking an intro to Arurveda, getting Craniosacral Therapy and a Shiatsu massage and talking to a lot of other like-minded people. I left smiling at every stranger and much MUCH calmer than I've been in a long time. And feeling really, really happy. I just bought a new camera last week, so I had a lot of fun playing with it. Here are some silly shots and then some great photos (check out how amazing my new camera lens is!) of nature. If I appear incredibly giddy and happy, well... it's cause I was :)

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