Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Info on moving a pet to Spain

If you’re from the USA or Canada, the Spanish government has recently simplified the procedure for bringing your pets into the country. Follow these instructions from the Spanish Embassy. I would assume that for other non-EU countries, importing your pets is the same or at least very similar, but confirm with your nearest Spanish consulate. You can download the veterinarian pet certificate from the link on the right.
Requirements for the import of cats, dogs, and ferrets

The following requirements concern the non-commercial importing of cats, dogs, and ferrets into Spain.

It’s considered non-commercial if importing only up to five animals without commercial purposes (not being part of a sale or with the intention to sell).

The entry of dogs, cats, or ferrets under three months of age is not allowed.

In Spain the ownership certain types of dogs is subject to strict requirements regarding registration and safety.

Identification of animals

All animals will be identified with either a tattoo or a microchip compatible with standards ISO-11784 or ISO-11785. If the animals are identified with a non-compatible microchip, the importer must supply the appropriate reading equipment.


The animals will also be accompanied by a veterinary certificate, issued by an Official Veterinarian, which will include the following:

* Identification of the owner or person responsible for the animal(s)
* Description and origin of the animal(s)
* Microchip or tattoo number, location and date of insertion.
* Information on the rabies vaccine (the vaccine type must be inactive, and in compliance with the standards of the OIE).

The veterinary certificate will be valid for 4 months or until the vaccine’s expiration date, whichever is first. Animals without the certificate will be denied entry into Spain. For animals from the United States and Canada traveling to Spain, parts V, VI, and VII of the certificate do not need to be filled. (download this form from the links on the right)

United States: the veterinary certificate may be filled out by any veterinarian accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA/APHIS, under the National Veterinary Accreditation Program, NVAP. However, once filled out, the certificate must be endorsed by an Official Veterinary employed by the Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (VS/APHIS) of the Department of Agriculture. First, ask your veterinarian whether they are accredited under NVAP. If that is not the case, please contact the Area Office of VS/APHIS to request a list of accredited veterinarians near your place of residence. Once the accredited veterinarian has filled and signed the certificate, it will need the endorsement (signature) of a VS/APHIS Official Veterinarian. The accredited veterinarian or VS/APHIS Area Office can inform you of the procedure.

Canada: The certificate must be signed by a licensed veterinarian and endorsed by an Official Veterinarian from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

The cage or carrier in which the animal is travelling must be labelled with the name, address in Spain, and phone number of the owner or the owner’s representative.

Once in Spain, pet animals need a passport, according to the European Union model, in order to travel to other countries the EU. Ask your veterinarian in Spain about the passport.

There are other requirements for owning a potentially dangerous dog in Spain. See the requirements at the link on the right.

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