Good morning from Boise! Kim and I took a walk to get coffee and see downtown Boise in the daylight. My best way to describe Boise is: It's indescriptive. Non-descriptive? I don't really know if that's a word but there's just nothing to describe. It's cute. Quiet. No one is friendly, but they're not rude either. They just don't talk to strangers I guess. It's mellow. Family-oriented I think. There are lots of pubs and it feels like guys are on the prowl - even in the coffee shop at 8am. Everyone's white. I saw a Mexican and an American Indian, but just those 2. I haven't seen any pets. The sign on the capitol building says "Idaho, The City of Trees." But there are only the planted trees on the streets so I don't get it. I'll keep thinking about this and let you know if I can try to put words together better after more coffee. In the meantime, I bring you Boise...

Kim and Eastern Idaho. It looks like that for hours. I loooooved it.
Downtown Boise

The Grove Hotel (where we stayed). Look - there's art in Boise!
We love autumn!
It's true. I had the best mashed potatoes EVAR here.
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