We are sitting in the Drury Plaza Hotel - that's Drury, not Dreary.... To clue you in the we is now Suzi and Rebecca - and this happens to be Rebecca typing at this very moment. I landed in Kansas City today at 2 - my flight to Arizona was slightly late and after sprinting across the insanely obnoxiously large Phoenix Airport I managed to make it to my Kansas City gate with 6 minutes to spare. Profusely sweating I entered the plane line and finally made it to my seat. As I plopped down next to a very sweet ederly gentleman, I realized that I was on a plane with a bunch of people going to Kansas City...Although seemingly nice people they looked a little different than the folk I am used to in LA. Needless to say, I made it to Kansas City on-time and jumped in the car with Suzi and commander in chief Rusty.
I took over Rusty's seat, and we were on our way to St Louis...in the rain. We arrived at Drury....which happens to be to be in a suburban Class A office sprawl about 22 miles from St. Louis, directly adjacent to a Westfield mall. We love malls, and Suzi NEEDED a new purse so there we were...and surprise surprise - Suzi landed a new purse.

We went to the (and only) hip restaurant, which was of Latin cuisine - with possibly the only Latin man in all of Missouri as our waiter. The food was pretty good and the wine was even better. The decor was pretty funky but in a Westfield sort of way.

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